We Are Recruiting!

August 2024 Update: We are looking for enthusiastic and motivated personnel to join the team. We are currently recruiting:

Graduate Students

My lab is currently accepting graduate student applications for the fall 2024 application cycle through the UNL Department of Psychology. I supervise student through both the Neuroscience & Behavior and Programs.   

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduates with a strong background in psychology, neuroscience, phlebotomy, and/or programming are encouraged to contact me about potential research opportunities: hschwarb2@unl.edu 

Student need to be able to commit a minimum of 5 hours per week to the lab and attend our weekly lab meeting.


Research Team

Hillary Schwarb, PhD

Principal Investigator

Hillary Headshot

Judith Heselton, MS, MA

Lab Coordinator

Judith Hesselton

Alisha Schaffer, BA

Graduate Student


Current Undergraduate Research Assistants

Idaly Del Rello

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Idaly is a Psychology major (Neuroscience emphasis) on the Pre-Med track. Her interest in the brain stems from its complexity--so many neurons and pathways that lead to intricate behaviors and disease. When physicians combine patient history and information about brain structure/ function, diagnosis rate and treatment plans improve. When not at school, she enjoys serving her community through her neighborhood food pantry.

Headshot of Idaly

Abby Habel

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Abby is a junior majoring in biology and minoring in psychology on the pre-med track. She is interested in learning more about the brain, how it works, and how it connects to medicine. She enjoys reading and playing the violin and guitar in her free time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


Maryam Naif

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Maryam Naif is a biology major on the pre-pharmacy track. Her research interest revolve around the intricate relationship between memory, emotion, and the brain. Outside of school, she loves to bake, hike, and be outside.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Maryam Naif Headshot

James Moeller

Undergraduate Research Assistant

James is a senior majoring in psychology and communications. His research interests are broad ranging from memory, language, consciousness, and learning to culture, rhetoric, gender dynamics, and sexual behavior. Outside of school he enjoys reading books, watching movies/TV, and writing articles for his blog.                                                                                                                                                         

James Moeller Headshot

Dima Smoqy

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Dima's academic journey focuses on her deep interest in Neuroscience psychology, as she is on a path to attend PA school in the future. Her research interests focus on the captivating areas of neuroscience, memory, and mental health, where she hope to contribute valuable insights to the field. Outside her academic life, she enjoys drawing and using art as a means of creative expression.

Dima Smoqy

Dana Tran

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Recent Graduates

  • Kathleen Johnson