
For a current list of our lab publications and links to those publications, please visit our google scholar page. If you do not have access to a listed publication, please reach out ( and we will be happy to send you a author copy of that paper.


McIlvain, G., Magoon, E.M., Clements, R.G., Merritt, A., Hiscox, L.V., Schwarb, H., & Johnson, C.L. (2024). Acute effects of high-intensity exercise brain mechanical properties and cognitive function. Brain Imaging and Behavior.


Bogdan, P.C., Dolcos, S., Federmeier, K.D., Lleras, A., Schwarb, H., & Dolcos, F. (2023). Emotional dissociations in temporal associations: opposing effects of arousal on memory for details surrounding unpleasant events. Cognition & Emotion, 1-15.

Tinney, E.M., Loui, P., Raine, L.B., Hiscox, L.V., Delgorio, P.L., Kramer, M.K., Schwarb, H., Martens, C.R., Kramer, A.F., Hillman, C.H., & Johnson, C.L. (2023). White matter integrity, health behaviors, and mild cognitive impairment. Psychophysiology, e14306.

Delgorio, P. L., Hiscox, L. V., McIlvain, G., Kramer, M. K., Diano, A. M., Twohy, K. E., Merritt, A. A., McGarry, M. D. J., Schwarb, H., Daugherty, A. M., Ellison, J. M., Lanzi, A. M., Cohen, M. L., Martens, C. R., & Johnson, C. L. (2023). Hippocampal subfield viscoelasticity in amnestic mild cognitive impairment evaluated with MR elastography. NeuroImage: Clinical, 37, 103327.

Vauzour, D., Scholey, A., White, D., Cohen, N. J., Cassidy, A., … Schwarb, H., & Minihanel, A-M. (2023). A combined DHA-rich fish oil and cocoa flavanols intervention does not improve cognition or brain structure in older adults with memory complaints: Results from the CANN randomized, controlled parallel-design study. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 118, 369-381.


Delgorio, P. L., Hiscox, L. V., Daugherty, A. M., Sanjana, F., McIlvain, G., … Schwarb, H., & Johnson, C. L. (2022). Structure-function dissociations of hippocampal subfield stiffness and memory performance. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(42), 7957-7968.

Dulas, M. R., Morrow, E., Schwarb, H., Cohen, N. J., & Duff, M. C. (2022). Temporal order memory impairments in individuals with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 1-16.


Dulas, M. R., Schwarb, H., Cannavale, C. N., & Cohen, N. J. (2021). Should context hold a special place in hippocampal memory? Psychology of Learning & Motivation, 75, 1-35.

Delgorio, P. L., Hiscox, L. V., Daugherty, A. M., Sanjana, F., Pohlig, R. T., Ellison, J. M., Martens, C.R., Schwarb, H., McGarry, M.D.J., & Johnson, C. L. (2021). Effect of aging on the viscoelastic properties of hippocampal subfields assessed with high-resolution MR elastography. Cerebral Cortex31(6), 2799-2811.

Steinert, S.W., Daugherty, A.M., Shankar, S., Schwarb, H., Cerjanic, A., Sutton, B.P., & Arble, E.P. (2021). A performance-based measure of emotion response control: A preliminary MRI study, Scandanavian Journal of Psychology, 62(3), 321-327.

Hiscox, L.V., Schwarb, H., McGarry, M.D.J., & Johnson, C.L. (2021). Aging brain mechanics: Progress and promise of magnetic resonance elastography. NeuroImage, 232, 117889.


Hiscox, L. V., McGarry, M. D., Schwarb, H., Van Houten, E. E., Pohlig, R. T., Roberts, N., ... & Johnson, C. L. (2020). Standard‐space atlas of the viscoelastic properties of the human brain. Human brain mapping, 41(18), 5282-5300.

Pindus, D.M., Zwilling, C.E., Jarrett, J.S., Talukdar, T., Schwarb, H., Cohen, N.J., Barbey, A.K., Kramer, A.F., & Hillman, C.H. (2020). Opposing associations between sedentary time and decision-making competence in young adults revealed by functional connectivity in the dorsal attention network. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-15.

Hiscox, L. V., Johnson, C. L., McGarry, M. D., Schwarb, H., van Beek, E. J., Roberts, N., & Starr, J. M. (2020). Hippocampal viscoelasticity and episodic memory performance in healthy older adults examined with magnetic resonance elastography. Brain imaging and behavior14(1), 175-185.

Huesmann, G. R., Schwarb, H., Smith, D. R., Pohlig, R. T., Anderson, A. T., McGarry, M. D., ... & Johnson, C. L. (2020). Hippocampal stiffness in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy measured with MR elastography: Preliminary comparison with healthy participants. NeuroImage: Clinical, 102313.

Daugherty, A. M., Schwarb, H., McGarry, M. D., Johnson, C. L., & Cohen, N. J. (2020). Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Human Hippocampal Subfields: CA3-Dentate Gyrus Viscoelasticity Predicts Relational Memory Accuracy. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 32(9), 1704-1713..

Rigon, A., Schwarb, H., Klooster, N., Cohen, N. J., & Duff, M. C. (2020). Spatial relational memory in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 42(1), 14-27.


Schwarb, H., Johnson, C. L., Dulas, M. R., McGarry, M. D., Holtrop, J. L., Watson, P. D., ... & Cohen, N. J. (2019). Structural and functional MRI evidence for distinct medial temporal and prefrontal roles in context-dependent relational memory. Journal of cognitive neuroscience31(12), 1857-1872.


McIlvain, G., Schwarb, H., Cohen, N.J., Telzer, E.H., Johnson, C.L. (2018). Mechanical properties of the in vivo adolescent human brain. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 34, 27-33.

Horecka, K. M., Dulas, M. R., Schwarb, H. Lucas, H. D., Duff, M., & Cohen, N. J. (2018). Reconstructing relational information. Hippocampus, 28(2), 164-177.

Johnson, C. L.*, Schwarb, H.*, Horecka, K.M., McGarry, M.D.J., Hillman, C.H., Kramer, A.F., Cohen, N.J., & Barbey, A.K. (2018). Double dissociation of structure-function relationships in memory and fluid intelligence observed with magnetic resonance elastography. NeuroImage, 171, 99-106. *denotes equal contribution


Rubin, R.D., Schwarb, H., Lucas, H.D., Dulas, M.R., Cohen, N.J.  (2017). Dynamic hippocampal and prefrontal contributions to memory processes and representations blur the boundaries of traditional cognitive domains. Brain Sciences, 7(7), 82.

Schwarb, H., Johnson, C.L., Daugherty, A.M., Hillman, C.H., Kramer, A.F., Cohen, N.J., & Barbey, A.K. (2017). Aerobic fitness, hippocampal viscoelasticity, and relational memory. Neuroimage, 153, 179-188.


Johnson, C.J., Schwarb, H., McGarry, M.D.J., Anderson, A.T., Huesmann, G.R., Sutton, B.P., & Cohen, N.J. (2016). Viscoelasticity of subcortical gray matter structures. Human Brain Mapping, 37(12), 4221-4233.

Schwarb, H.*, Johnson, C.J.*, McGarry, M.D.J., & Cohen, N.J. (2016). Medial temporal lobe viscoelasticity and relational memory performance. Neuroimage, 132, 534-541. *denotes equal contribution


Schwarb, H., Watson, P.D., Campbell, K., Shander, C.L., Monti, J.M., Cooke, G.E., Wang, J.X., Kramer, A.F., Cohen, N.J., (2015). Competition and cooperation among relational memory representations. PLoS ONE, 10(11), e0143832.

Schwarb, H., Nail, J., & Schumacher, E.H. (2015). Working memory training improves visual short-term memory capacity. Psychological Research, 80(1), 128-148.

Magnuson, M.E., Thompson, G.J., Schwarb, H., Pan, W-J., McKinley, R.A., Schumacher, E.H., & Keilholz, S. (2015). Errors on interrupter tasks presented during spatial and verbal working memory performance are linearly linked to large-scale functional network connectivity in high temporal resolution resting state fMRI. Brain Imaging and Behavior.


Thompson, G.J., Magnuson, M.E., Merritt, M.D., Schwarb, H., Pan, W-J, McKinley, R.A., Tripp, L.D., Schumacher, E.H., & Keilholz, S.D. (2013). Short time windows of correlation between large scale functional brain networks predict vigilance intra-individually and inter-individually. Human Brain Mapping, 34(12), 3280-3298.


Schwarb, H. & Schumacher, E.H. (2012). Generalized lessons about sequence learning from the study of the serial reaction time task. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8(2), 165-178.


Schumacher, E.H., Schwarb, H., Lightman, E., & Hazeltine, E. (2011). Investigating the modality specificity of response selection using a temporal flanker task. Psychological Research, 75(6), 1898-1914.

Hazeltine, E., Lightman, E., Schwarb, H., & Schumacher, E.H. (2011). The boundaries of sequential modulations: Evidence for set-level control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 37(6), 1898-1914.

Majeed, W., Magnuson, M., Schwarb, H., Hasenkamp, W., Schumacher, E.H., Barsalou, L. & Keilholz, S.D. (2011). Spatiotemporal dynamics of low frequency BOLD fluctuations in rats and humans. NeuroImage, 54(2), 1140-1150.


Schwarb, H. & Schumacher, E.H. (2010). Implicit spatial sequence learning is represented by stimulus-response rules. Memory & Cognition, 38(6), 677-688.

Schumacher, E.H., Seymour, T.L., & Schwarb, H. (2010). Brain activation evidence for response conflict in the exclude recognition task. Brain Research, 1329, 113-123.

West, R., Schwarb, H., & Johnson, B.N. (2010). The influence of age and individual differences in executive function and psychological well being on the neural correlates of target processing. Cortex, 46, 550-563.


Schumacher, E.H. & Schwarb, H. (2009).  Parallel response selection disrupts sequence learning under dual-task conditions.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138, 270-290.

Schwarb, H. & Schumacher, E.H. (2009).  Neural evidence of a role for spatial response selection in the learning of spatial sequences.  Brain Research, 1247, 114-125.


West, R. & Schwarb, H. (2006).  The influence of aging and frontal status on the neural correlates of regulative and evaluative aspects of cognitive control.  Neuropsychology, 20(4), 468-481.